Ambewela Farm

Ambewela Farm lies in the Nuwara Eliya District of Sri Lanka, specifically in the Ambewela area, about 17 kilometers from the town of Nuwara Eliya. This region in the central highlands of Sri Lanka has a cool climate, which makes it ideal for dairy farming.

Here’s how you can reach it:

  • From Nuwara Eliya: Drive along the Nuwara Eliya – Welimada Road (B512). The journey takes about 30–45 minutes, depending on traffic and road conditions.
  • Nearby Landmarks: The farm is close to other attractions like the New Zealand Farm and Horton Plains National Park.

The farm’s location in the highlands offers picturesque views of rolling green hills, misty mountains, and vast pastures, making it a popular spot for tourists as well.

The primary focus of Ambewela Farm is dairy farming. The farm produces high-quality dairy products, including

  • Fresh Milk: The main product, known for its purity and freshness.
  • Yogurt: Produced in various flavors, made from the fresh milk collected at the farm.
  • Cheese:Different types of cheese are produced, are enjoyed locally, and are available in markets.
  • Butter: Made from the cream of the milk, ensuring a rich and natural flavor.

The farm prioritizes the health and well-being of its dairy cows, primarily Friesian and Ayrshire breeds, which are known for their high milk production.

Owned by: Ambewela Products (Pvt) Ltd., a leading dairy company in Sri Lanka

Ambewela Farm is a popular tourist attraction in Sri Lanka, especially for those visiting the Nuwara Eliya region. Here’s what makes it a unique destination:

What Visitors Can Experience:

  • Farm Tours: Visitors can take guided tours of the farm. During the tours, they can observe the dairy cows, see the milking process, and learn about how the farm operates
  • Scenic Views: The farm is located in a picturesque area with rolling green hills and mist-covered mountains. It also features vast open pastures, offering stunning views and photo opportunities.
  • Animal Interaction: Tourists often have the chance to see the animals, including cows and calves. They may also interact with other farm animals like rabbits and goats
  • Learning Opportunities: The farm provides educational insights into dairy farming and sustainable practices. It also highlights the importance of animal welfare in dairy production.
  • Fresh Dairy Products: Visitors can sample and purchase fresh dairy products like milk, yogurt, cheese, and butter directly from the farm. This ensures the freshest quality

Why It’s Popular:

  • Cool Climate: Located in the cool climate of Sri Lanka’s central highlands, the farm offers a refreshing escape from the heat of the lowlands. This makes it an appealing destination for tourists.
  • Family-Friendly: The farm is a great place for families with children, offering a fun and educational experience.
  • Proximity to Other Attractions: Ambewela Farm is near other attractions like the New Zealand Farm and Horton Plains National Park. This proximity makes it easy to include in a broader travel itinerary.

The combination of natural beauty, educational experiences, and the chance to enjoy fresh dairy products makes Ambewela Farm a must-visit destination in the Nuwara Eliya region.

Ambewela Farm places a strong emphasis on sustainable practices, ensuring that their operations are environmentally friendly and socially responsible. Here’s how they incorporate sustainability into their farming:

Sustainable Farming Techniques:

  • Animal Welfare: The farm prioritizes the well-being of its dairy cows, ensuring they live in a stress-free environment with proper nutrition, veterinary care, and comfortable living conditions. This not only leads to healthier cows but also higher-quality milk.
  • Organic Feeding: Cows at Ambewela Farm are often fed organic fodder that is grown without synthetic pesticides or fertilizers. This practice reduces the farm’s environmental impact and ensures the production of pure, natural milk.
  • Waste Management: The farm employs efficient waste management systems to minimize pollution. For example, animal waste is often recycled into organic fertilizer, which is then used to nourish the fields where fodder is grown.
  • Water Conservation: Ambewela Farm uses water conservation techniques, including efficient irrigation systems, to minimize water wastage. This is crucial in maintaining the sustainability of their farming operations in the highlands.
  • Energy Efficiency: The farm may utilize energy-efficient machinery and renewable energy sources (like solar power) to reduce its carbon footprint.

Environmental Stewardship:

  • Biodiversity Protection: The farm is located in a region rich in biodiversity. Ambewela Farm takes steps to protect the surrounding natural environment, including maintaining natural habitats and preventing deforestation.
  • Eco-Friendly Packaging: The farm might use environmentally friendly packaging for its dairy products, reducing plastic waste and promoting recyclability.
Community Engagement:
  • Local Employment: Ambewela Farm provides jobs to local residents, contributing to the local economy and supporting the community.
  • Education and Awareness: The farm educates visitors and the local community about the importance of sustainable farming practices and environmental conservation.

Continuous Improvement:
  • Innovation in Sustainability: Ambewela Farm continuously seeks to improve its sustainability practices by adopting new technologies and methods that further reduce environmental impact while maintaining high productivity.

By focusing on these sustainable practices, Ambewela Farm not only produces high-quality dairy products but also ensures that their operations are aligned with long-term environmental and social goals.

Ambewela Farm’s dairy products are widely available across Sri Lanka, known for their quality and freshness. Here’s how you can access these products:

Product Range:

  • Fresh Milk: Ambewela’s fresh milk is one of the most popular products, available in various packaging sizes.
  • Yogurt: Available in different flavors, Ambewela yogurt is a favorite among consumers for its taste and creaminess.
  • Cheese: The farm produces several types of cheese, catering to both local tastes and more specialized preferences.
  • Butter: Ambewela butter is known for its rich flavor, made from the cream of the fresh milk produced on the farm.

Availability Channels:

  • Supermarkets and Grocery Stores: Ambewela products are widely distributed and can be found in most major supermarkets and grocery stores across Sri Lanka. These include popular chains like Cargills Food City, Keells Super, and Arpico Supercentre.
  • Specialty Stores: Some specialty stores and dairy shops may carry Ambewela products, especially in urban areas.
  • Online Platforms: With the rise of e-commerce, Ambewela products are also available for purchase through online grocery platforms, allowing customers to order their favorite dairy products for home delivery.
  • Farm Shop: Visitors to Ambewela Farm can purchase products directly from the farm’s own shop. This ensures the freshest possible products, often straight from production.

Product Reputation:

  • Quality Assurance: Ambewela Farm is known for adhering to high standards of quality and hygiene in dairy production. The milk and other dairy products are subjected to rigorous testing to ensure they meet safety and quality benchmarks.
  • Brand Trust: Ambewela is a trusted brand in Sri Lanka, with a reputation built on years of consistent quality and commitment to producing natural, high-quality dairy products.

Whether you’re shopping in a local store or ordering online, Ambewela products are easily accessible and enjoyed by a wide range of consumers across the country.

Here are some interesting facts about Ambewela Farm:

1. “Little New Zealand” of Sri Lanka
  • People often call Ambewela Farm the ‘Little New Zealand’ of Sri Lanka because of its lush green pastures and cool climate, which remind them of New Zealand’s landscapes
2. High-Altitude Farming
  • The farm is situated at an altitude of about 6,000 feet above sea level in the central highlands of Sri Lanka. The cool and misty climate at this altitude is ideal for dairy farming, contributing to the high quality of milk produced.
3. Friesian and Ayrshire Breeds
  • Ambewela Farm raises Friesian and Ayrshire cows, which yield a lot of milk and adapt well to cooler climates. The farm imports and breeds these cows to maintain high standards
4. Self-Sufficiency
  • The farm is largely self-sufficient, growing its own fodder and using organic fertilizers produced from the waste generated on the farm. This not only reduces costs but also minimizes the environmental impact.
5. Eco-Tourism Destination
  • Beyond being a dairy farm, Ambewela is a popular eco-tourism destination. It attracts thousands of visitors each year who come to experience the serene environment, see the dairy operations firsthand, and enjoy the fresh products.

6. Innovation in Dairy Production

  • Ambewela Farm uses advanced technology in its dairy production processes. This includes automated milking systems, which help maintain hygiene and ensure the well-being of the cows.
7. Educational Hub
  • The farm serves as an educational hub for students, researchers, and professionals interested in dairy farming. It often hosts educational tours and workshops to share knowledge about sustainable farming practices and modern dairy techniques.
8. Partnership with New Zealand Farm
  • Ambewela Farm operates in conjunction with the nearby New Zealand Farm, another dairy farm in the same region. Together, they produce a significant portion of the high-quality milk and dairy products consumed in Sri Lanka.

9. Contribution to Local Economy

  • The farm plays a significant role in the local economy, providing employment opportunities and supporting local businesses. It also contributes to the country’s dairy industry by reducing the reliance on imported dairy products.

10. Commitment to Quality

  • Ambewela Farm maintains the highest standards of quality.”
  • The milk produced is often subject to stringent quality control measures to ensure that it is fresh, pure, and free from contaminants.

These facts highlight Ambewela Farm’s unique position in Sri Lanka’s agricultural landscape, combining high-quality dairy production with environmental sustainability and tourism.

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